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A ‘gringa’ who doesn’t want to change México, just enjoy it

What is it like for a Gringa who has never been to Mexico to sell everything and grab our pets and fly here? How is it that we feel, at 60 plus, like young kids discovering a wonderful secret? That is what has happened to us. We have a rather ‘unique’ last name, and no offense if you like Donald, but we do not. We thought it would be a great poke at he who holds the title of US President, to fly to Mexico, where he has begun a wall to split us apart.

We do not like that wall. What we DO love is the vibe. I grew up in a small town a few minutes from San Francisco. The town, called El Cerrito, was built up after the war, as it is nearby the ports of Alameda and Oakland. A little nest close enough to activities of every form, this is how we find our Jocotepec. People here for the most part know each other! Greetings always, most often with smiles, show us how friendly and warm are the towns folk. Afraid because we did not learn Spanish before we came, and as a huge talker, I was feeling so quiet! So, with Ana from Butterfly Spanish, I can at least read in Espanol now, and am learning the verb TO GO at this writing!

What I want to say to the people of Jocotepec, is how much I cherish this vibration. An old hippy from Berkeley, feeling at home, even without full comprehension! The vendors are my friends now! The mercado is being renovated at this writing, so sales are all street side. Not only the parents, but the kids are there! Families swarm the marketplace and sit on benches in the Central Plaza. Some musicians stroll by, a cup for tips attached to a drum. Little delicious pies, 4 for a tiny amount of pesos, greet us with the delicious pina smell! Tamales are soft and warm, fillings chicken or elote, sweet corn.

Walking my dog, I meet other dogs, every one of them so far friendly, giving my Cacahuate (Peanut) so much joy as well as new friends, along with much needed socialization.

Why is the vibe different here in Mexico? Money is of course a huge focus of our move, being seniors on social security. But what we find in this Jocotepec, is a love of LIFE over money, FAMILY over money, and automatic trust of my neighbors. The difference is palpable. After under one year, we signed a lease to our beautiful rental, the likes of which we have not known in our country. Brick and steel, tile and grout, in every color. Casitas painted with such vibrant colors, and teh artista named “Chile de Joco” making sublime murals all over the Pueblo! Tacos! Within our radius we know 4 delectable taco stands!

These are only a few reasons we love this town. We do not want to change a single thing. We are not the gringos who want to change everything to be like USA. Please, NO! Mexico, I am learning, is whole and true to her citizens. I hope everyone reading this thinks so! Thanks for your attention. I will see you at the Thursday tianguis if not at the Plaza or the gorgeous Malecon, another topic for another day. Warmly, Jennifer de Jocotepec, aka Cactus Jenn.